The 5 actors Quentin Tarantino uses most is thrilled about Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood, so we’re looking back at director Quentin Tarantino’s filmography to find the actors he uses most. Check out their names in the gallery below!
With Quentin Tarantino’s latest film Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood now playing, it’s definitely worth looking at which actors the filmmaker tends to utilize most often (even if not all of them will be appearing in his ninth film). While often appearing in his movies himself, technically making him the actor Quentin Tarantino uses most, the filmmaker has a steady and trustworthy group of actors he always circles back to, no matter what the film.
The fact that these performers are even able to keep up with Tarantino’s rapid pace and genre-hopping is a feat unto itself. The fact that they’re able to return time and time again to deliver memorable performances is even more impressive. From a former stuntperson to a father-son duo and a few other well-known faces in between, these are the actors Quentin Tarantino uses most.
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